Hemmed In

“How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! “
Matthew 23:37

You know, when a hen gathers her chicks underneath her to protect them and they are not willing, that is a major problem. I just love to watch a young mother when she has bathed her beautiful baby... And when she's bathed that baby, she wraps that baby tightly up and it looks so snug and so secure.

I looked up, Hemmed in - You and I need to be hemmed in by the Lord today. Hemmed in means to be surrounded or restricted, a restricted movement of someone... and that just makes you feel so secure, doesn’t it?

People are so distressed today, they are so loose - There is just nothing secure, nothing sure. When I go to Israel, there is a little church on the Mount of Olives, a small little church that overlooks the Kidron Valley and you can see the Temple Mount from there - where Solomon’s Temple was. Jesus sat there and that is where He said, “I would just love to gather you together but you are not willing.” I want to say to you today, let the Lord hem you in. Let Him look after you like a mother hen looks after her little chicks - Don’t push away from Him.

You know, a couple of nights ago, we were driving home. It was a rough road, it had been raining, it was dark, the traffic was hectic and there were potholes everywhere. You couldn’t ask for a worse night... The road was extremely busy. People were trying to get home, lights flashing everywhere - it was a terrible scenario to be in. We didn’t really know where we were going because there were these massive signboards, “Pull over to the left”, “Stop!” We didn’t know what to do but there was a huge 30-ton pantechnicon, a big lorry in front of us. We decided we were going to tuck in behind him. He had massive red brake lights and every time he came up against a pothole, he put his brakes on and we knew there was a pothole coming and we slowed down. That driver, I wish I could have shaken him by the hand but it wasn’t possible. You know we just settled in behind him and he took us safely to our destination.

I want to say to you today, why don’t you and I allow Jesus to guide us, He wants to. Let’s just allow Him to look after us and wrap us up, nice and tight, and take us to our destination.

Have a wonderful day.
God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan