Doing Our Bit

“Then Peter answered and said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here; if You wish, let us make here three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” Matthew 17:4

The mountain-top experience, always a beautiful place to be! Peter, James, and John had seen the transfiguration of the Lord Jesus Christ and had experienced the presence of Almighty God on the mountain-top. He wanted them to stay there, he wanted to build three little buildings for them to stay in. But the Lord said “No, we cannot stay there. We cannot stay in that nice, secure, and peaceful place. We have to go down into the valley where the people are. We have to roll up our sleeves and be prepared to get dirty, if necessary... to help the poor, the needy, the widow and the orphan - those who use and even abuse you.”

That’s right, it's not easy but why can’t we just stay secluded and safe from all the ugliness that goes on in this tired old world? Well, because Jesus loves the prostitute, He loves the drug addict, He loves the thief... not that He loves what they are doing but He loves them and He wants you and me to help them. The very first thing that happened when Jesus came down from the Mount of Transfiguration was that He was confronted by a multitude of people. A desperate father came to Him and said, “Please help, my little son is an epileptic,” and Jesus cured the boy that very hour. We need to get involved.

I remember like yesterday, the very first time I ever preached the Gospel. It was an evening service in the little Methodist Church on the Main Street of Greytown. I was so nervous. I was in the back of the church in the vestry, the elders had come and laid their hands on me, they were praying for me and said, “Get out there, Angus and go and tell them about Jesus.” But one thing disturbed me that I have never forgotten. There was one old gentleman there who said, “Get out there and do it,” he said, “I have done my bit.” I will never forget that. I had only known the Lord for about three months and something in my heart was heavy. We can never 'do our bit'. We have always got to be available.

We have never lost any blood, we have never been crucified... How can we say we have done our bit?

Now, remember - first the mountain and then the ministry. We have to get the balance right. First, spend time with the Lord and then get down into the valley and help the people.

Have a wonderful day,
God bless you and goodbye!

Angus Buchan