Good Council

“My little finger shall be thicker than my father’s waist!”
2 Chronicles 10:10

That was spoken by a foolish young king. He had taken over from his father, who was none other than the wisest man who had ever lived, King Solomon himself and he went for counsel because the people came and said, “Lighten our burden and we will serve you.” The old elders said, “Listen to the people” but the young king went and listened to his friends, and they said, “Make it harder for them.” As a result of that foolish counsel, that young king lost his kingdom.

Do not disregard priceless advice, it is often given freely and in love. Here at Shalom, we have four elders - They are my personal advisors. They give me godly counsel. They are not 'yes men'. Often they ask me to reconsider my proposals. They make me go back to the drawing board and think about it before we make the final decision.

Many years ago, some young go-ahead bright farmers decided to grow a crop that had never been grown before in this area. We live, by the way, in a very misty area - It is called the mist-belt. That means that it is always damp and rainy in the summertime. The older farmers in the area said that the particular crop would not grow in this area but the young dynamic farmers did not take notice - They did not take heed.

They planted that crop. Initially, the fields looked beautiful. They were rich and golden and heavy for yielding but when it came time to harvest the field the crop fell over. It lay on the ground, became mouldy and the combine harvesters could not take it off. We need to listen to the counsel of men and women who have been there before.

Jesus said in Matthew 11:29:

”…learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Go out today and listen to the counsel of experienced people who have been there before. They will save you a lot of pain and a lot of tears.

God bless you and have a lovely Sunday.

Angus Buchan