The Little Children

“But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14

God’s kingdom will be made up of little people like these. It is the simplicity of the Gospel, it is so beautiful and so innocent when you hear the Gospel come out of the mouths of babes. I just love children, as I am getting older. I get those little pictures sent to me in the post of a little three or four year old, drawing a picture of Snowy and Oom Angus (Uncle Angus) - It makes me cry.

Jesus never wants anyone to interfere with little children when they want to come to Him. You see, the disciples thought that they were protecting Jesus but He was adamant that they must let them come to Him. He said Heaven will be composed of little ones like these.

I want to just share a gentle word with some dads. Don’t discourage your children from entering into God’s Kingdom. I can hear Dads saying very clearly, “No, Angus, I would never do that!” But why does mom have to take them to church alone? Why do you sit in the car park reading the newspaper until the service is over? Don’t you know that your little child will do exactly what you do when they are older, because you are their absolute hero?

Don’t prevent them from coming to Jesus. You have to lead from the front. You need to read Bible stories to them before they go to sleep - That is not mom’s job. You know, we have a prayer meeting every Monday afternoon in the little chapel on the farm, it is open for anybody. I have several little grandsons, ageing from about 5/6 to about 14 years old. They come up on their bicycles and they come into the prayer room with all the adults. They get involved in praying.

And sometimes I can’t help but laugh - they are so keen to talk to Jesus. They are kind of jockeying for position, one after the other and I sit there sometimes and I quietly open my eyes... and I see that the adults, they don’t even get a chance to pray. These little guys are praying one after the other. They are reading Bible scriptures, it is so beautiful. It brings tears to my eyes. It must make Jesus stand up in Heaven and say to His Father, “Listen to them Dad, listen to them - They are talking to Us.”

Please don’t, in any way, stand in the way when your little boy or your little girl wants to go to church. Go with them - Lead from the front, Dad.

Have a blessed Saturday!
God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan