As we prepare to go to Cape Town, South Africa, on the 24th of March, the Lord Jesus has reminded me that we are going to shine in that place. Darkness, pain, fear, immorality, and hatred will flee, vanish, as God's children together, will literally invade that dark place with prayer, and the love, and faith of Jesus Christ!
“Christ in you the hope of glory.”
Wherever Jesus walked on this Earth the light shone, and the darkness fled.
Isaiah 9:2: "The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, Upon them a light has shined."
This year of 2018 you and I have to really let our lights shine wherever we go, whether it be in the market place, university, school, sports field, hospital, or prison.
'It's Time' for people in Cape Town to say, like they did in the book of Acts 17:6: "These who have turned the World upside down have come here too."
This is our time in history to be Jesus' ambassadors in this dark world, let's not miss it.
God Bless,
Angus and Jill Buchan.