What is that stone, that massive boulder in your life that you are afraid you will never be able to move out of the way?
Read MoreIf there is no light at the end of the tunnel, then a person becomes extremely afraid, depressed and stressed out. The hope we have is Jesus Christ and Him alone…
Read MoreMany people ask me, "What does the Lord Jesus actually require from us?" First of all, He requires that we do the right thing…
Read MoreAre you a cloud watcher? I have been a cloud watcher for many, many years. Every morning when the sun comes up, I look to the clouds because I'm looking for rain, but more importantly, I'm looking for the second coming of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.
Read MoreA man once asked me a question. He said: "Is it lawful to pay your taxes to a government that is not doing its job correctly?"
Read MoreToday, don't look at your situation. Look at the Lord Jesus Christ, who controls all things, especially for His children…
Read MoreWe see the incredible humility of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Every time people wanted to put Him on a pedestal, He shunned it instantly and departed from the crowd…
Read MoreIf something needs to be said, we must say it and say it with love; people will receive it...
Read MoreThis week, let's grow in grace. Now remember, the word "grace" means undeserved loving kindness or unmerited favour…
Read MoreIt is essential to be careful what we say because there is tremendous power in our words. Remember, the Lord used the example of the rudder of a ship…
Read MoreAs we look forward to a brand new year, let us not make promises that we have no intention of keeping because we will have to follow through with them. Let us think carefully before we commit ourselves into any deal or any agreement in this New Year…
Read MoreAt Christmas time we shall meet loved ones we do not often see during the year; some reunions will be sheer bliss and others maybe not quite so! However, this is our God given opportunity to build bridges, love unconditionally, let bygones be bygones and be the reconcilers Jesus has called us to be…
Read MoreWhat an incredible example of compassion we see in Jesus’ parable of the prodigal son. In this story, we see a Father who loved his son beyond all the evil that his young son had committed…
Read MoreToday, you and I need to tell people about Jesus. We need to tell people about the Babe in the manager. We need to tell people that this is the time of the year when we remember that God sent His only begotten Son…
Read MoreWe can’t all be teachers, pastors, prophets, apostles and evangelists, but we can tell people about Christ…
Read MoreThe power is found in the presence of God and the way to lock-in with God is to get on your own and spend time in prayer; in scripture reading; and in meditation.
Read MoreThings often happen to us, and we don't know why at the time. Lord, why is this happening to me? Lord, I am your child. How could this happen be happening?
Read MoreSome people might only ever meet Jesus Christ through our behaviour, example, attitude, and most of all love. We need to walk the talk.
Read MoreI am sitting in my motorcar in Pietermaritzburg as the rain is coming down gently on the roof, and I am singing praises to God.
Read MoreI read a beautiful reading today, where the writer says, in the church of Jesus Christ, there are often too many officers and not enough soldiers, how true is that!
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