
Today, you and I need to tell people about Jesus. We need to tell people about the Babe in the manager. We need to tell people that this is the time of the year when we remember that God sent His only begotten Son…

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Angus Buchan

We can’t all be teachers, pastors, prophets, apostles and evangelists, but we can tell people about Christ…

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Angus Buchan
Solitude & Silence

The power is found in the presence of God and the way to lock-in with God is to get on your own and spend time in prayer; in scripture reading; and in meditation.

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Angus Buchan
The Touch of God

Things often happen to us, and we don't know why at the time. Lord, why is this happening to me? Lord, I am your child. How could this happen be happening?

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Angus Buchan

Some people might only ever meet Jesus Christ through our behaviour, example, attitude, and most of all love. We need to walk the talk. 

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Angus Buchan
Faithful God

I am sitting in my motorcar in Pietermaritzburg as the rain is coming down gently on the roof, and I am singing praises to God.

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Angus Buchan

I read a beautiful reading today, where the writer says, in the church of Jesus Christ, there are often too many officers and not enough soldiers, how true is that!

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Angus Buchan

When we look around us and we see what is happening in the world, we know that the signs are all there…

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Angus Buchan
Do The Right Thing

A wily old gentleman said I want to ask you a question Angus, is it right to pay income tax to a government that you do not agree with? And of course, there was an instant hush in the hall as everybody wanted to know what the outcome was...

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Angus Buchan
A Mustard Seed

Today, as we go out, let us go out with faith, even as small as a mustard seed.  Jesus says that will be sufficient to remove that mountain and cast it into the sea...

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Angus Buchan
Sing It Out

Early this morning, while sitting in my prayer room, spending time with Jesus and listening to beautiful, gentle rain falling on my tin roof, I heard the most beautiful song...

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Angus Buchan
Childlike Faith

The Lord is looking for childlike faith. In other words: “The Lord said it, we believe it and that settles it”, as spoken by the Yorkshire plumber from England, Smith Wigglesworth so many years ago...

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Angus Buchan

Many people write to us, and they ask why is God doing this to me, but in point of fact, God is not doing it to them at all...

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Angus Buchan
Peer Pressure

We need to be so careful, in this day and age, that we are not persuaded by the crowd to do things that we don’t really want to do...

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Angus Buchan
Wheat & Chaff

I really believe, with all my heart, that we are definitely living in the last days, and it is most important that we are not associated with the evil standards of this world...

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Angus Buchan
Come to Me

How are you feeling this morning?  Are you feeling weary, tired and heavy laden, well then this message is for you… 

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Angus Buchan

When you are in the marketplace, when you are in the trenches, when you are on the sports field, when you are in the schools, that is the place to be Jesus to the lost…

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Angus Buchan