I Will Be Your God

Jeremiah 30:22
You shall be My people, And I will be your God.
— Jeremiah 30:22 (NKJV)

What an incredibly comforting promise from the living God, especially in the troubled times in which we are living. But Father requires from us two things in return, they are: Faithfulness and obedience.

He is a jealous God and will not tolerate any other gods before Him. If we put Him above all else, then He shall be a friend to you and me, a friend who sticks closer than any brother.

Romans 8 tells clearly that:

If God is for us, who can be against us?
— Romans 8:31 (NKJV)

Therefore if God be on our side then you and I are in the majority.

God Bless,
Angus and Jill Buchan .

Angus Buchan