Addressing the Christian Community in South Africa

Like never before we need to stand together as one body.

The devil has a habit of dividing and ruling. We will not allow that to happen. We will implement Psalm 133 - When we stand together in unity, God will command a blessing. Last night on Zoom we had an incredible meeting with Christian Community Leaders, Church Leaders, Business Leaders and Farm Leaders from all over the country, chaired by our very own Chief Justice Mogoeng. And, of course, we felt the tangible presence of our beloved Lord Jesus.

 I am not suggesting for a minute that we as Christians, black and white, need to become doormats for the devil and his demons from hell, not at all! We need to defend ourselves and especially our families at all costs, we need to take all the precautions necessary. However, our fight is not against flesh and blood but against the principalities and powers of this world. Therefore, we fight on our knees, in the prayer closet, using our trusted Intercessors and by the way, there is a literal prayer-army building daily as I write this letter, and they are coming in from all over the World. Even as we have seen it take place in Parliament before, (We’ve already seen it done through our Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng), we need to encourage one another continually that God honours the effective, fervent prayers of the righteous. James 5:16

 Like never before we must not doubt the Word of God or His promises, or even what the Lord has said He will do. We must not in any way digress from His commandments, as hard as they may seem to be. We need to love one another, we need to agree to disagree on certain points, but never on the Word of God. At the end of the day, the Bible is the ultimate plumb-line which will keep us straight. 

This attack that we are experiencing, in our beloved South Africa at the moment, is not unknown to God. In fact, it is not even strange - Jesus Himself was tested in all these different ways (Hebrews 4:15) and yet He stood fast and He did not fail by succumbing to the devil and his filthy lies. Jesus' response was: 'It is written', we as Christians will do the same as our Leader.

 May God bless you as farmers, farm-workers, businessmen, housewives, students and especially the children, living in South Africa at this critical time. Continue to remain steadfast in the Lord and all His ways. He will not fail us: Hebrews 13:6 'the Lord is my helper, I will not fear. What can man do to me?

 Yours in Christ’s service,
Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan