Holy Week
“That I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.”
This week is a time to prepare ourselves and to get very close and intimate with God. There is nothing else in the way, nothing holding us back! For the very first time in two thousand years, there will be no gatherings of any consequence this Easter.
A very unique time in the history of the entire World - the question we must ask ourselves is a very simple but profound one: "Is Jesus enough?"
A few years ago I wrote a book entitled just that "Is Jesus enough?”. This is now the acid test for all of us. We have to ask: "Is our faith really in God alone?" No one likes big meetings more than me, or praise and worship services with anointed bands and orchestras! But this Easter will be very different - there will be none of that taking place.
On Easter Friday, which for me is the most important day in the entire Christian calendar, due to the isolation Jill and I are in, we will be spending this precious time together, just the two of us, Jill and I alone.
We will probably sit with our Bibles in the garden, early in the morning watching and praying. Mark 14:38.
I remember my old friend Michael Cassidy saying: "Without the crucifixion there can be no resurrection", so very true. We will weep when we think of what the Master went through for us. We will thank Him for the stripes He took on His back, for all our sins and our healing - for how He stood in the gap for you and me. John 15:13: "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for His friends."
Will Jesus, alone, be enough for you this Easter?
After that we look forward to much celebration on Easter Sunday - on our own again but not really on our own, because our blessed Holy Spirit will be with us. What a time of great of blessing and rejoicing that is going to be. I think like never before in Christianity we will say together: “Take the whole world but give me Jesus." For many of us it will be a rude awakening and we will have to ask ourselves an honest question: "Is He indeed enough?"
Have a truly Holy Week in your preparation for the weekend - much time spent in reflection, meditation, prayer and reading God’s holy Word. We will come out of this time of lockdown much more mature, much closer to our Saviour and we will be prepared for the greatest Revival this world has ever seen! Shalom and may the peace of God be with You at this very special time.
Much love,
Angus and Jill Buchan.
John 14:27