Law and Order in the Camp
Leviticus 2:1,34
Reading the Book of Numbers in the Old Testament we see that God clearly instructed Moses on how to keep the Israelites safe, in the treacherous wilderness they had to trek through for forty years before arriving safely in the Land of Milk and Honey.
They were not just a band of stragglers hoping for the best and each one doing his own thing to survive, no not at all. In fact, it was the very opposite. Each tribe had a leader and each leader was responsible to report to Moses and Aaron, who were responsible for hearing from Almighty God. Even when it came to breaking camp after each stopping point in the desert - Certain tribes first, then in an orderly manner, one by one, they would pack up and get into line. Tens of thousands of them, with their cattle, sheep and goats etc. It must have been an incredible sight to behold!
Then at the command of God, with the cloud ahead of them, they would proceed together on their perilous journey to freedom.
As I write you this letter, I remember fondly how tens of thousands of men pitched up at our farm, Shalom, for the Mighty Men's Conferences over a number of years. (They continue to do so - all over the World now). Thanks to an amazing team of volunteers, everything was done in order. From the colour-coding of the camp areas to the toilets, showers, cooking areas, eating times, times for the services and times for meditation and quiet times. These Mighty Men of God did not just pitch up and hope for the best!
As we soldier on in this lockdown crisis, we to need to have order in our homes otherwise chaos shall prevail. According to the specific instruction of the Bible: Dads as the High Priest of their home, must hear from God and then take the lead, not abdicate and leave the responsibility to Mom. Mothers, the heart of the home, must assume their vital role in implementing how things will be done, with Dad’s complete support.
Then the children will obey their parents and Fathers will not provoke their children but rather encourage them at this very difficult time - not unlike the Israelites' journey through the desert. Colossians 3:18,21.
Remember that the family that prays together, stays together as a strong and viable unit, not giving the devil a foothold in the home. May the Lord Jesus guide you and your precious family through this tough part of the journey, which shall ultimately lead us home to heaven.
With much love in Jesus,
Angus and Jill Buchan.
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. ”