Just Do It

Why must we do it you say, well quite simply because Jesus said so! 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

If there is one thing that I have learned while serving the Lord Jesus and that is to do exactly what He tells me to do without question.

Remember the marriage feast in Cana, (I have been to Cana in Israel and have seen the massive size of those earthen pots) and Jesus asked the waiters to fill them to the top with water! They must have said amongst themselves, but why? Nevertheless Mary, Jesus’ Mother said to the puzzled waiters, "Just do it". John 2:5.
So often we question God - we question His Holy Word instead of just doing it. But we never seem to question a secular news report, we just carelessly believe it, but with God’s holy instructions we always want to know why? Often, through disobedience, we damage ourselves and we waste precious time arguing, instead of just doing our part so that Jesus can do His part in our lives as He did in Cana turning water into the finest wine.

The Bible was not written for God’s benefit, it was written for our benefit - we must never forget that most important fact. In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Jesus tells us clearly to rejoice always, to pray continually, and to always be grateful.

Why? Well, rejoicing is so very good for the soul, like laughter, it is good medicine. Prayer is talking with Jesus, it is a lifestyle and we do it continually, driving in the car, working, exercising etc. Then lastly, it is being thankful for every good gift that we receive, and not complaining that it is not enough, but rather being grateful. These attitudes will change our lives forever. Amen!

May the blessings of Jesus be with you always,
Angus and Jill Buchan.

Angus Buchan