
Deuteronomy 12 : 8  

We can no longer just do our own thing as a follower of Jesus Christ!

If we do our own thing then there shall be consequences for our selfish and rebellious actions.
Funny thing is that when we have persisted in making our own plans, those plans normally come about to someone else’s detriment .

Selfishness and self preservation are normally the root causes for these actions of doing your own thing. 

The proverbial, “I’m alright Jack” attitude kicks in, and is an ugly sight to behold.

Jesus teaches you and I to do the exact opposite, and to go the extra mile, to deny ourselves, to take up our cross and to follow after Him! (Mark 8 :35)

During this Covid 19 pandemic, I think this is an ideal time for you and I to sit down and to really do a good, serious stock check on ourselves to see where we honestly, and sincerely are with Jesus at this crucial time in the history of the sick world were living in?

Is our life displaying His heart for the lost, and hurting souls, or are we trying at all costs to preserve and to look after our own skins, and that at all costs, I sincerely hope that is not the case!

In closing, the Master reminds us yet again, “for what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?”

Jesus bless you,

Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan