The Battle is Won

As I sit in my quiet time room, I am getting ready for the battle, one of the biggest battles that I will fight in my life. But the good news is the battle has already been won and Jesus Christ is the victor.  Nevertheless, there is still a battle.  I will be going to Krugersdorp in a couple of days’ time to meet with multitudes of like-minded people as well as to meet with people who are oppressed, people who are sick, people who are troubled, people who are caught up with addictions, people who are struggling with depression and fear and hopelessness.  I cannot go there if I am not prepared myself. 

Colossians 1:27 (NKJV) says:

“Christ within you, the hope of glory.”

So, I need to be spending lots and lots of time this week in the presence of God and I want to encourage you to do the same. If it is at all possible, please make this meeting, not just for the sake of the nation or the world, but for your own personal sake, so that you can be strengthened.  Remember when men and women meet together, it’s like iron sharpening iron the Bible says.  Have a wonderful week in the build up to a crescendo, which will be historical.

Jesus bless you
Angus & Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan