
This is the season of kindness. The kindest act that ever took place, was when our Lord Jesus Christ laid down His life for you and me. When He left His home of comfort in heaven and became a defenceless child here on earth.

We’ve have just celebrated Christmas Day and we need to put our words into practise. In the gospel of John 15:13 (NKJV) it says

greater love has no man than this, than a man lay down his life for his friend. 

Jesus did that for you and me. We need to do likewise. I am not talking about going to be a martyr, fighting the enemy in far-off lands necessarily, I am talking about home-base, right in the house. Be kind to one another, prefer one another, love one another, protect one another and most of all be there for one another.

Let this Christmas time be a time of self-denial, where we prefer our loved ones to ourselves, where we take time out to sit and talk together about the past year and about what plans there are for the coming year. It’s a time for us to build bridges, a time to say sorry, a time to start again. So that Jesus Christ can have freedom in our lives, in our homes, and we trust, in our nation. 

Have a blessed and peaceful season.

God bless you 

Angus and Jill Buchan

Angus Buchan