Debt Paid

Debt Paid

Do you remember that old Christian song, "He paid a debt He did not owe, I owed a debt I could not pay, I needed someone to wash my sins away."?

Well, early this morning while I was having my quiet time in my little wattle and daub room, Jesus reminded me again of His sole purpose for coming down from His throne room in Heaven, leaving His Father and all the glory: It was to to die for our sin, yes my dear friend, to offer Himself up as a living sacrifice.

I was reading from the book of Hebrews 10:5-10, where Jesus states no less than twice, that He is fully committed to carrying out God's will and to offer Himself up as a living sacrifice for my sins, and your sins. What incredible love!

Verse 10, tells us that our debts have been paid once and for all through Jesus' unselfish death on the Cross. Today let us go out to the highways and byways and tell at least three people that our debt is fully paid up and that theirs can be too - if they would simply believe.

God Bless, 
Angus and Jill Buchan