Give Unto The Lord
As the afternoon storm moves in over the mountains, the peaks cover with dark clouds and the sound of thunder echoes through the mountain range - It's awesome, magnificent and the echo sounds far down the valleys and nearby plains.
In Rev 5:8, we read of the Lamb Who was worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals and before Him the twenty four elders fell down in worship and they sang a new song: You Are Worthy! (Vs 11) and the voices of angels, the living creatures and the elders, thousand upon thousands of voices, took up the song, ‘Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain.’ (Vs 13) and then every creature in heaven, on the earth and under the earth and in the sea. And they praised Him Who sits on the throne and the Lamb, echoing songs of praise throughout all God's creation.
This week we need to create a ‘Thunderstorm’ of praise among the mountains which will echo down the valleys and to where all the trees of the fields shall clap their hands, and all creation will hear our songs of praise to the God of all gods. For He has said “I AM God Almighty”.
Genesis 35:11:
there is no one like the Lord our God..Ex 8v10.
Our focus this week is from Psalm29:2: “Give unto the Lord the glory due to His Name, Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness…”
This must be a week of joyful praise, of new songs, of worship, dancing before Him and of songs sung in the Spirit and in Tongues. We will honour Him Who alone is God - God in creation, in sovereign Majesty, in Truth and Wisdom, and in Faithfulness, in Love and Compassion and unending Mercy - He is Lord!
He has no equal, He has no rival.
2Chronicles 20:21-22: The army of king Jehoshaphat stood in the Wilderness of Tekoa before their enemies. Three times greater in number. He had appointed singers to sing to the Lord and praise Him in their priestly garments and they went out before the army. (Vs 22) And when they began to sing and praise the Lord, their enemies turned on themselves and destroyed each other. The power in praise has no limits.
Someone once said that to praise and worship the Lord is one of the greatest intercessions in this world. There are just 40 days till It’s Time Pretoria. God is found in the praises of His people - we need to fill every corner of our nation with His loving Presence.
Lord Jesus we love You! Please receive the honour that is due to You, and may Your enemies be scattered.
Jill Buchan