It is 21st October, Wednesday, 2020 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.
If we go to the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 29 and verse 18 - I am reading from the New King James Version.
“Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint “
What does that mean?
Well, it means if you aim at nothing you are sure to hit it.
Do not allow circumstances or situations to alter your vision.
Hold onto your vision.
Don’t let political, economical or anything else get in the way.
It does not matter what people say. It is only what God says that matters.
Do not double guess yourself. When you are sitting on the fence, it is a very uncomfortable place to be because you don’t know whether to go or stay or buy or sell.
You need to keep your vision.
Don’t be like the waves of the sea.
The Book of James, Chapter 1 verse 6 says: Driven and tossed by the wind.
Jesus has the wherewithal that we could possibly need to see our vision come to success.
Remember, He actually owns the bank of Heaven. Just ask Him.
I remember very clearly in 1989, on 17th November, The Lord gave me a vision, to go to towns, to town halls, to sports fields and to hire them and to preach the gospel.
I got into my pick up with my flask of coffee and said goodbye to my young wife and small children and I went to book the Town Hall in Ladysmith, Kwazulu-Natal.
I didn’t get much encouragement from the local clergy at the time.
Well, they didn’t know who we were but if I had taken their advice, I would never have got started and Shalom Ministries would never have happened.
Keep your vision! Heaven’s bliss fills your soul when you follow through with your vision.
Ask The Lord to confirm your vision. He will do it as many times as you like and then do it.
So I went to Ladysmith Hall and we started and I want to tell you, you have seen the movie, the first evening, there was hardly anyone there.
I think God sent angels just to help me to fill the chairs but by the end of the week it was chock-a-bloc, top and bottom. The Lord will never let you down.
Just make sure it is a vision from God and He will see you through. Live your dream - that is what I am doing now.
God bless you and have a lovely day as you write that vision down.