Be Ready
It is Friday, 23rd October 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.
If we go to the Gospel of Matthew Chapter 25 and verse 13:
“Watch therefore” Jesus says, “for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.”
In other words, be ready! Be ready for when the lockdown is finally lifted.
Are you ready for action?
If we go the Book of Joshua, Chapter 3 and only one verse, verse 5:
“And Joshua said to the people (the children of Israel), “Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”
Wonders is another word for miracles.
We need to sanctify ourselves, to consecrate ourselves because The Lord is going to do wonders.
You say, “What does sanctify mean? What does consecrate mean?”
It means come apart.
It means separate yourself.
It means get ready for the visitation of The Lord in your life.
Be free from sin and dedicate yourself. Be ready and prepare yourself for that miracle.
I don’t know what you are doing at the moment but you know, this verse reminds me so clearly of when we first arrived at Shalom Farm, Jill and I.
That was almost 45 years ago.
We had very little equipment in those days but we managed to get ourselves a wonderful contract to grow seed maize for a big company.
I only had a two-row planter, to plant the maize seed.
Today, I see these young men have got 12,15, 20-row planters. They can plant up a massive crop in no time at all.
And I had become a Christian and I felt The Lord saying, “Prepare yourself because a miracle is going to happen. The rain will come.”
But that particular year the rain just stayed away all the time and the neighbours round about us were waiting for the rain to come because you only plant your seed, obviously, after the ground is wet. But I felt The Lord saying to me, “Prepare yourself.”
I started to plant my seed maize crop into dry land.
Now, any farmer will tell you, you wait for the first rains because that soil has got a little bit of dampness in it, just enough to germinate the seed and then it dies, but I carried on, day after day after day, I planted in the dust but do you know what happened?
Yes! The miracle happened. The rain came and when it came it did not stop and some of my neighbors could not get their machines into the ground and the first opportunity they got to get their machines into the ground, my maize was already germinated and coming through the ground beautifully.
Be prepared for what The Lord has got in stall for you! Consecrate yourself. Get ready for that miracle because it is coming soon.
God bless you! Have a wonderful day!