The Lord Is With Those Who Are Broken-hearted

It is Saturday morning, 14th November 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

Psalm 34 and verse 18:

“The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart and saves such as have a contrite spirit.”

Contrite means feeling or expressing remorse.

Jesus is always close to those of us who have a broken heart or who are feeling crushed.

How are you feeling today?

God is found right there where your heart is broken.

Remember, He was in the Garden of Gethsemane.

All His disciples forsook Him and fled, all of them, and He was actually sweating great drops of blood.

He was so stressed out because He knew what was coming.

He understands when you are feeling down-hearted, broken-hearted and crushed.

Many years ago I was having a healing service and they wheeled in a wheelchair - a young lady, a very excellent sports woman who had fallen off the balcony of a building and broken her back.

She was paralyzed.

The specialist ,two of them, said she will never, ever walk again.

We prayed for them at that service.

Of course many people all over the world were praying for her, and she actually stood up from the wheelchair but she could not walk.

And I asked her a couple of questions.

I said, “Do you believe that Jesus will heal you?”

She said, “Yes.”

I said, “Do you believe you will walk down the aisle, with your dad, on your wedding day?”

She said, “Yes.”

Then I asked her this question, “Do you believe that I can run the Comrades Marathon?”

She said, “Yes”

Now, remember, I am not a runner. I am a 4X4! I was 58 years old.

I had never run before.

The Comrades Marathon is the Mount Everest of long distance races.

Well, the day arrived and I had qualified and I ran with all my heart.

My family had been seconding me and Janna, the young lady was waiting for me at the finishing line in Durban.

Well, I had 14 kms to go and I collapsed.

I passed out. I woke up in the ambulance.

I was taken to hospital. I was put on a drip and I felt totally broken-hearted and crushed.

I had let everybody down.

I will never forget it as long as I live.

My family was round the bed with me and they had me on a drip.

And who walked into that hospital room?

That’s right! That beautiful young lady, Janna.

She walked up to me and she put her arms around me. I will never forget it, and she said to me, “Oom Angus, Uncle Angus, as far as I am concerned, you finished the race.”

Well, a couple of years later, I had the privilege of marrying a couple. A beautiful bride walked down the aisle, dressed in a wonderful white gown, on the arm of her dad.

And who was she? That was Janna. Her husband was waiting for her at the altar and God undertook.

So, you see, The Lord’s plans are not always your plans and my plans.

I wanted to put that medal around her neck and say, “Janna, you can do it.”

But The Lord said, “No Angus, today, she is going to do it for you.”

Well, she is happily married. She is qualified, been to university.

She has got two little children I last heard.

God undertakes.

Have a wonderful day and don’t worry.

The Lord is always with those who are broken-hearted.

Angus Buchan