How Big Is God?

It is Tuesday, 17th November, 2020 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

If we go to the Book of 1 Corinthians Chapter 2 and verse 9:

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,

Nor have entered into the heart of man

The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

How big is God?

Well, the answer is quite simple - God is as big as you allow Him to be!

Today is a very special day in my life.

On 17th November, this very day, 1989, I was in my farm office and I had a revelation from The Lord.

I never heard Him speak to me audibly.

I never saw anything, but through the Word of God, The Lord spoke into my heart.

You see I had been reading a book called, “Evangelism Explosion” by the late John Wimber, and in the back of that book were little anecdotes of men and women of God, who The Lord had used powerfully and miraculously to impact the whole world.

But it was as if The Holy Spirit showed me, there is a thread that goes throughout each one of their lives.

I am talking about Billy Graham, Kathryn Kuhlman, Charles Finney, John Wesley, William Booth - men and women who shook the world - and it was one word, “faith!”

And it was as if The Lord said, “Angus, if you have the faith to trust me, I will fill town halls. I will fill stadiums and I will fill open-air areas that you cannot believe - if you can believe me.

I was so excited. I picked up my phone.

In those days we had the old phone that you had to crank up, two shorts, one long - and I phoned my pastor in Greytown, and I said, “Gavin, God has showed me that if I dare to believe Him, He will use me.”

Gavin did something he had never done in his life before.

He turned around with a pen and he wrote on the wall, “17/11/89 - Angus.” And that was the start!

I got in my pick-up with a flask of coffee, in my farm clothes, and off I went to the town nearby called, Ladysmith, and I booked the town hall, and that was the beginning.

I want to ask you a question today.

Are you trusting God or are you trusting yourself?

Why don’t you allow The Lord today direct your path?

Live your dream. Do that thing that you are too scared to do but put your trust in Him and He will amaze you.

Have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan