Knocking On Your Heart

It is the 26th November 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

“Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.”

Revelation, Chapter 3 and verse 20.

Can you hear the knocking on your heart?

Jesus wants to dine with you and with me today.

He wants to get involved with what we are doing.

He wants to help us, especially as we are going with this lockdown and some of us don’t know what to do next.

Will we open the door of our hearts and let Him in today.

Remember, our Lord Jesus is a gentleman. He will not break His way into your heart, and most importantly, remember, the handle of the door is on the inside, not on the outside.

He is standing at the door, not as some homeless traveller seeking shelter, but rather as The Master of the house, waiting for His servants to respond immediately to His call.

Let us welcome Him home today for close fellowship.

There was an old miller and he was too busy making money to be concerned about his spiritual well-being but this old miller got very sick, to the point of death.

He asked his family to put his bed next to the mill so that he could hear the grinding of the corn which was making the money.

A preacher came and visited him on his deathbed.

He tried to speak to him about his life after death, about his salvation, but the miller’s response was, “I can’t hear you! I can’t hear you above the deafening noise of the grinding mill.”

He could not and he did not hear The Lord Jesus knocking because the noise of making money was deafening.

You and I need today to be very careful that we don’t get so busy about the things of this world that we forget about our eternal salvation.

God bless you as you have a wonderful day today and listen to that knocking on your heart.

Angus Buchan