A Time To Sit Still

We are thinking about Good Friday.

On the eve of 9th, The Lord Jesus Christ and His disciples went to the Garden of Gethsemane, one of my favourite places in Israel, and spent time in prayer and meditation.

What is meditation?
Well meditation is to focus one’s mind for a period of time.
I want to say to the men of the house, particularly, I have heard reports that some men are walking around like caged lions because they cannot get out and they cannot do anything.

This is a time to sit still.

Mark 14 verse 32, Mathew 26 verse 36 , the very same words of Jesus. He said to His disciples: “Sit here, while I go and pray over there ”.

We need to spend time today in reflection and think about what Jesus Christ did for you and I.
Gethsemane means, “the olive press”, it is where they crushed the olives to get the oil out.
Jesus was crushed that night for you and me.
The Bible tells us that He sweated drops of blood.
That is extreme pressure.

Remember, He said, “Lord not My will but Thy will be done.”
“If it is possible to take this cup from Me, do it Lord but I will drink it.”
And He did.

You and I need to really sit down and we need to pray.

Angus Buchan