Real Strength
Moses took a nation, a whole nation, out of Egypt and led them for forty years through a desert.
I don’t think he was a soft man.
He must have been a man of great stature and I am so looking to meeting him one day in Heaven because he must be quite a man.
And yet if we look at the Word of God in the Book of Numbers, Chapter 12, the Bible says,
“(Now the man Moses, was very humble, more than all men on the face of the earth.)”
I looked up in the Oxford Dictionary tor the definition of the word, “humble” and this is what it said: “Having, or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s own importance.”
If we remember, Moses’s brother and sister challenged Moses and said, “Are you the only one who hears from God?”
Moses never defended himself. The Lord, Himself, defended His prophet, Moses.
He says in verse 6:
“Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision;
I speak to him in a dream. Not so with my servant, Moses.
He is faithful in all My house.
I speak with Him face to face, even plainly, and not in dark sayings;
And he sees the form of The Lord.
Why then were you not afraid to speak against My servant, Moses?”
I want to say to you my dear friend, you don’t have to promote yourself.
You don’t have to defend yourself. God will do it for you, as He did with His servant, Moses.
I love that story in Luke Chapter 14 verse 11, where The Lord uses the example of a man coming into a banquet and he positions himself at the top of the table but unfortunately,
when the host comes in, he tells him, “No, you don’t sit here. You have to go and sit at the bottom of the table.” Very humbling and humiliating.
Luke Chapter 14 and verse 11:
“For whoever exalts himself, will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
We really need to walk in humility.
William Carey was a great missionary who took the gospel to India and he was a man of very little education.
In fact, he was a cobbler by trade.
And one day a man tried to humiliate him in a meeting.
He said, “I believe you are just a shoe-maker!”
He said, “No sir. I can’t make shoes. I can only repair them.”
And yet, God used that man to translate the Bible into Hindustani and into Sanskrit and the most difficult languages in the world and he became the personal interpreter in the High Court of Delhi.
When God promotes you then everybody understands that he is a man of God.
You don’t have to speak up for yourself just let The Lord speak for you.