
It is Thursday, 7th May 2020 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

The Bible tells us in the book of 1 John, First John, Chapter 1 and verse 9:

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

My dear friend, today I want to tell you about the power of saying sorry because that is all confession is.
“Lord, I am sorry that I did that thing yesterday.”

“Lord I apologize for embarrassing Your name for the act that I committed yesterday.”

And if we confess our sins then the devil has no more hold over us.

I don’t know how many people I have met in my life who will not forgive.

We have to forgive so that God can set us free.

Oh, I remember as a new Christian, I had just started preaching in the little church in Greytown, in the main street, and after I had made an altar call for salvation,
I said, “If there anyone here who needs prayer for healing? Can they please come forward?”

And folks came up to the altar rail and they knelt together and I was praying for them individually and I came to a dear old lady and I said to her, “What can I pray for?”

She said to me, “Angus, I suffer from terrible migraine headaches.”

Now I want to qualify something right here folks, I am not saying that all sickness is caused through lack of confession. I am not saying that.

But in this particular instance, I said to this old lady, “Do you have any un-forgiveness in your heart?”

And she was very angry with me. She said, “No, I don’t!”

I said, “Are you sure?”

And then she just broke down and began to weep and she said there was a member of her family that had hurt her many years ago and she had really battled to come
to grips with that and to forgive that person.

I said, “Well, why don’t we pray that prayer now?”

And she said, “Lord, I forgive so-and-so for what she did for me” and I didn’t even pray for her healing and off she went.

Do you know, the next Sunday, she came back to church.

She was radiant.

She had make-up on.

She had done her hair.

She looked ten years younger.

And I said, “How did the week go?”

She said, “Angus, I have never had a headache since then.”

The power of confession!

We need to forgive one another so that God can heal us and set us free.

As I am talking now, I know there are some people carrying a 50kg bag of cement on their backs. They will not forgive and because of that, that unconfessed sin is weighing
you down.

Let us confess that sin today.

We have got lots of time to do it.

Lord, I forgive that person for the way in which they have hurt me and Lord, I ask You to forgive me for the way in which I have hurt them.

And then put it behind you.

Leave it there and move on for God.

Angus Buchan