Let's Humble Ourselves Today

In the Book of James, Chapter 4 and verse 10, the Word of God says: “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.”

You know, folks, when you are on your knees, you can’t fall any further, and there is one thing I have learnt from The Holy Spirit, and that is, when you preach to people, you always preach up to people.
You never preach down to people.

And before I bring a message, at any meeting anywhere, I always get on my knees and pray and the purpose is so that I can humble myself so that The Lord can lift me up.

If we look at Luke Chapter 17, verse 33, Jesus says: “Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it.”

And in this time of lockdown with the coronavirus we have learnt, haven’t we - all of us - to humble ourselves in the sight of The Lord and in the sight of our fellow men?

When we have these Mighty Men conferences, sometimes people don’t like the term, “Mighty Men.”

It sounds very arrogant but it is actually a meeting that we have to learn to humble ourselves so that we can go back home and do the kneeling thing.

What does that mean?

It means to go back home and to kneel in front of your wife and children and to ask them to forgive us for being arrogant, proud men.

And when we humble ourselves, then God raises us up.

But right from when we are little children, we tend to have that problem, don’t we?

I have eleven beautiful grandchildren, and the youngest one is a little girl and her name is Rebecca, and she is just over two years old and she loves to come down to Gogo’s house - that is my wife - the Zulu name for grandmother - and she plays tea parties with her plastic tea pot and little cups and saucers with all her dollies lined up.

But I sit there sometimes and just watch Gogo and Rebecca playing together and Rebecca is trying to teach Gogo how to make tea for the dollies, and she doesn’t want gogo interfering too much but she is helping Gogo.

You know, right from a very young age, we always want to do it our way. Isn’t that right?

I remember coming down from Zambia, many, many years ago, and starting farming in the Kwa-Zulu Natal area.

And I didn’t know when it rained. I didn’t know the seasons. I didn’t know the diseases, the pests, and I had to go around to my neighbours, take my hat off, humble myself and ask them to help me.

And you know, they bent over backwards to help me.

Now and again, I see an arrogant man who decides he is going to be a farmer because farming is very easy he thinks - because he is an industrialist ,and he has made a lot of money.

And he comes down and he says he is going to show the farmers how to do it.

Within a couple of years, that man goes back to where he came from, with his tail between his legs, humbled because God says He will humble us.

You know, there is an old saying, “The farmer makes a plan.”

Well, I want to tell you, not one of my plans have ever worked.

The only plans that have ever worked in my life are God’s plans.

Lets humble ourselves today and let The Lord Jesus Christ exalt us.

Angus Buchan