Keep Doing The Little Things

Mark, Chapter 13, and verse 34:

“It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch.”

Maybe today you feel that you are of no worth.

You are not world-famous.

You don’t have an international flavor to your lifestyle.

But I have got good news for you.

Listen to this saying: “He does the most for God’s great world who does the best in his own little world.”

We need to do what God has called us to do, with all our hearts and not to underestimate the so-called small things that are done every day.

You know I have had the privilege of writing a number of daily devotionals, daily reading books, and I love them so much.

I love writing them.

But I want to tell you, in my humble opinion, the greatest devotional that has ever been written was written by Oswald Chambers, and it is called, “My Utmost for His Highest.”

Now, listen to this: It was written in 1917 - one hundred years ago, and it is still probably the most popular devotional in the world today.

But you know something? It wasn’t actually written by Oswald Chambers.

Yes, he put these thoughts down but after he died - he died very young at the age of 43 years old - his dear wife, whose name was Betty (He called her Betty Chambers), she put the book together and she never acknowledged it at all.

A little…right at the bottom of the book is a little “BC” written - Betty Chambers. She did the work.

We need to understand one thing - God calls each of us to do our part and He does the rest.

And I close with this: “He does the most for God’s great world who does the best in his own little world”.

Have a wonderful day and God bless you.

Keep doing the little things and God will do the rest.

Angus Buchan