The Problem Solver
Matthew Chapter 8 and verse 27:
“So the men marveled, saying, “Who can this be, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?”
Folks, as I am sitting in my prayer-room, early this morning, there is a gentle sound falling onto my tin roof.
That’s right. It is the pitter-patter of rain - rain, glorious rain!
In our particular area, it has been like a war zone in the last two weeks, with forest fires, and winds and dust, and The Lord Jesus Christ, our Rainmaker, has sent some beautiful soaking rain and we thank Him for it. His name is Jesus!
You know, I remember, many years ago, when my oldest son, Andy was at university, he came home for a few days break and we were gripped again, that’s right, in a terrible drought.
The maize looked like onions, and again everything was hanging in the balance.
And he saw how much strain his mom and dad were taking, and he said to us, “Go away for a couple of days and have a rest. I will look after the farm.”
And gladly we went off for a couple of days.
And he related this story to me: He said, early one morning he got up and he asked The Lord to please send rain because the crop was literally dying in the field.
And at about lunchtime, midday, he got in the pick-up and he drove into the middle of the fields and he was praying there for rain, and big black clouds came over from the north west - that is where our heavy rain comes from - and he was literally dancing around he was so happy.
The clouds came over the farm, big drops of rain started to fall on the dusty ground, and then all of a sudden, an east wind came up and it split the clouds in two, and one lot of the clouds went up into the mountains and the other into the vlei-lands, and he was so disappointed.
He got in his pick-up and he drove back to the farm office, and he walked in and his Bible was lying open where he had had his quiet time, and this is what he read:
Ecclesiastes Chapter 11 and verse 4:
“He who observes the wind will not sow,
And he who regards the clouds will not reap.”
And the young man repented to The Lord, and said, “Father, I am sorry. I have been looking to the clouds and not to the Rainmaker.”
And the next morning, he woke up early in the morning and he heard the same sound that I am hearing now, gentle rains falling on the dry-lands.
He went out with his pick-up and the maize plants were standing up like soldiers in line, beautiful, healthy, and strong.
Keep your eyes on The Problem-Solver and not the problem.