
It is Monday morning, 14th September 2020 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan with a thought for the day!

If we go to the Gospel of John, Chapter 6 and verse 9:

“There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?”

Now, I want to ask you a question.

There are five thousand men who are gathered together, that is not including women and children.

Do you honestly believe that that little lad was the only one who had any food?

Of course not! But he was the only one who was prepared to part with it.

We need to be kind to one another in this lockdown COVID 19 situation that we are facing throughout the world.

Kindness is one of the fruits of The Spirit. Galatians Chapter 5 and verse 22.

And of course, Jesus told one of the greatest parables - a parable by the way is a story.

He spoke about the Good Samaritan, didn’t He?

I looked up in the Oxford Dictionary the meaning of the word, “Samaritan.” It is a charitable or helpful person.

By the way, a Samaritan is an Arab, and an Arab had nothing to do with Jews.

This man who was attacked on the road by robbers and left for dead was a Jew, but the Samaritan helped him.

The little boy who gave Jesus what he had, that was all he had, and Jesus said, “That is enough.”

I want to tell you that yesterday on my way home with my dear wife, Jill, we had a blow-out on the front tire of our motorcar.

And it was on a very, very busy highway and we just managed to get the car off the road.

The puncture was on the driver’s side.

The vehicles were going passed us at 120 kilometers an hour.

Those big trucks were rocking the car.

I was trying to get the spare wheel out of the back when many cars went passed us and some very, very expensive motorcars went passed at 120 plus - but an old bakkie, that is a pick-up, with a trailer behind it, was going in the opposite direction, turned around and out got Marius and Frances and their two little girls.

He didn’t speak English too good but he said, “I want to help you.”

He changed our wheel.

I said, “What do you do for a living, Marius?”

He said, “I work on the roads.”

He was going the other way.

I want to tell you something now. I think he is an angel!

And by the way, while he was changing the wheel, he was having a cigarette at the same time, getting underneath the car and making himself extremely dirty.

I want to tell you folks, be careful whom you judge because that man did something that few other people could do.

You say, to me “Angus, I don’t have much money.”

You don’t need much money. You just need kindness.

We limped into Bloemfontein, that big city.

We went to a big tire company and we asked the man, “Please help us.”

He changed the wheel; he fixed the puncture; he aligned the car.

And I said, “How much do I owe you?”

He said, “Nom Angus, nothing.”

I want to tell you, I have great faith in people.

I have great faith in the future because the future is not dependent upon governments, upon institutions, or upon organizations.

The future is dependent on a little boy with two fishes and five barley loaves.

It is dependent on two angels who stopped to help two older people.

May God bless you as you too become a good Samaritan this week.

Angus Buchan