As Iron Sharpens Iron
It is Thursday, 3rd September, 2020, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.
If we go to the Book of Proverbs, Proverbs Chapter 27, and verse 17, and this is what the Word says:
“As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”
And then if we go to Psalm 133 and verse 1:
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
For brethren to dwell together in unity!”
Oh my dear friend, no man is an island. We need each other desperately.
I have just come from a prayer meeting when it was dark, very, very early in the morning, with a group of men who pray together.
And I want to tell you - it does something for the spirit man that you cannot explain.
It is like iron sharpening iron.
And the old man said to me once, “Angus, I cannot go down into the well anymore - I am too old, but I can stand at the top of the well, and hold the rope while you go down.”
We really need a touch of The Lord. Now, I am very aware of the authorities saying we cannot meet together in large numbers and we have to obey the authorities because that is what it says in Romans Chapter 13.
We have to obey the authorities put in place.
But we can phone each other.
We can text each other and most of all, we can pray for each other and we can love each other.
I really believe the devil is hell-bent on trying to separate us because he wants to divide and rule, but The Lord says do not neglect the gathering of the brethren.
I remember like yesterday, we had one of our campaigns on the farm, a Mighty Men Conference.
There was a huge tent. There was tremendous expectancy.
It was on a Sunday morning. We had been meeting since Friday and the boys were ready for the message.
As I walked down the passage, the sawdust trail, as we call it, I walked passed a man and I felt The Holy Spirit say, “Put your hand on his shoulder and just tell him God loves him.” That is all I did.
That is all I did. I just kept walking. I didn’t even stop.
Do you know, I heard a few weeks later, that man gave his life to Christ that weekend, and it was nothing to do with all the fancy preaching or the praise and worship.
He said, “When you put your hand on my shoulder, I knew that God was with me.”
He promises us that He will never leave us and He will never forsake us.
Phone somebody today. Tell them that Jesus loves them and that you love them.
Give somebody a wave. You will be surprised how that will change their lives.
People need each other and The Lord Jesus Christ, most of all, is the one who can help us, that can guide us, and can love us.
Have a wonderful day!