If The Lord Wills
If we go to the Book of James Chapter 4 and verse 15, the Word of God says:
“Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.”
How many of us say, “I am going to do this” and “I am going to do that?”
We are very arrogant, aren’t we?
Instead of saying, “If The Lord is willing, then I am going to do this, or I am going to do that.”
And if there is one thing that this dreaded Coronavirus, has done in the world - it has shown the people of the earth that God is sovereign, because every single plan that we have made has not worked out, has it?
In our office, at Shalom Ministries, we have a large board on the wall - and we had all our preaching appointments, our trips, our campaigns, our revival train, our national prayer meetings, all penned out so nicely.
Every single one has had to be canceled.
We have got to learn that it has to be God’s will otherwise it is not going to work.
One very wise man in the Bible was Gideon, and before Gideon made a decision, he put a fleece before The Lord.
He says in Judges, the Book of Judges, Chapter 6, and verses 37 to 40.
He said, “Lord, I just want to know what Your will is.” He says, “ I am going to put a fleece out tomorrow and he says, “ and I want dew and moisture to be on the fleece and the ground to be dry.”
The next morning, that is exactly what happened.
He got a bowl full of water out of the fleece when he wrung it out.
But still, he said, “Lord, please forgive me for being so hard-headed but I really need a second confirmation.” He said, “Tomorrow I am going to put the fleece out, and I want the fleece to be dry and all around it to be wet”, and sure enough it was.
A good idea is not always a God idea.
If in doubt, don’t.
Remember, anything in haste is not of God.
I remember very clearly having my preaching program all sorted out in 2003, at a game reserve in the northern Kwa-Zulu Natal, at the Umfolozi Game Reserve.
The Lord said, cancel all your appointments and start to mentor men.
Well, by the grace of God, I did His will, and as a result, we now have the Mighty Men phenomenon that is going right around the world, where men by tens of thousands are coming to the salvation and the knowledge of Jesus Christ, and not only them but their whole families as well.
God’s will is the most important thing in your life.
This weekend, sit down quietly with your wife.
Have a cup of tea in the garden and say, “What is God’s will for our way forward?” And you will not fail.