Enjoy Him
““My soul magnifies the Lord,
And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour.””
Mary, the mother of Jesus said that!
You know in the year 1648, the Westminster Confession was written out by The Church and this is what it said:
Number One, it is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.
Are you enjoying the Lord at the moment?
I really am. I want to tell you that I have never been or felt so close to Jesus as I am at this point in my life. You know John the Baptist, he got it right - he said: “I must decrease and He must increase.”
If we go to Philippians 1:20 this is what Paul says:
"...According to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death.”
My purpose and yours is to magnify the Lord Jesus in our lives, through our bodies, our speech, how we act and how we live. There must be no other motive in mind. We can’t use God for our agendas like a stepping stone. We can’t use the Holy Spirit for private or personal gain, The Holy Spirit is given purely to magnify Jesus, just like the moon.
Have you seen the moon at night, a full moon? It is a beautiful witness of the sun. That’s right, the reflection of the sun is on the moon but you and I spell sun, not S-U-N but S-O-N. If our sole desire is to see Jesus magnified through us then you and I are on the right path. God’s majestic creation - that mighty roar of the black-maned lion in the African bush, magnifies the power and the glory of God. And for me, the greatest sound in the bush is the call of that majestic African eagle, the Fish Eagle. When he calls out it is like all creation comes to a stand-still.
In everything that you and I do today, let us magnify Jesus. You know, my greatest enemy is not the devil. It is Angus. Angus must die so that Jesus can live through him.
Jesus must be magnified today, by everything we do and say and think, then - that’s right, then we will enjoy the Lord.
Have a wonderful Sunday.