Sown in Tears
It is Tuesday morning, the last day of November, 30th November 2021, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
“Those who sow in tears
Shall reap in joy.
He who continually goes forth weeping,
Bearing seed for sowing,
Shall doubtless come again with rejoicing,
Bringing his sheaves with him.”Psalm 126:5
And then John 11:35
“Jesus wept.”
The Son of God was accustomed to weeping.
I want to say to you today that if you are weeping because of a loved one who has maybe fallen by the way, who has maybe left home and said they are not coming back... whatever it might be - we can weep with tears and supplication to the Lord:
“Lord Jesus, bring my loved one back;
“Lord, please heal my love one who was sick.”
Tears of sowing - One man said those tears are seeds and as we sow them they will germinate and bring back a bountiful crop. I can relate to tears so easily folks. Lately, we have been praying in different areas in South Africa where drought has decimated the people. And when we go to those prayer meetings for rain, we see tears flowing openly. No one is shy, no one is ashamed, no one is fearful because they are needy. They are needing answers to their prayers and you know, every single time, God has answered their prayers because of a broken and contrite heart.
Charles Finny, that great American evangelist who was a lawyer, he met Jesus in a dramatic way and then he went on to set the USA alight for the Lord, in the last century. He said: “Where there is no Amen and where there are no tears, there is no revival.”
You might be saying this morning, “I have a loved one. I don’t know how to comfort them. They have had a tragedy in their lives, I don’t know what to say.” You don’t have to say anything. I really know that - All you have got to do is go and visit them. “Ja, but what shall I say?” Go and visit them, put your arms around them and weep with them. I tell you, that will mean more to them than going there and giving them a whole string of scriptures and praying for them, telling them to pull themselves together.
They won’t even remember those scriptures because they are in a desperate state of mourning, or whatever it might be. You see, Jesus wept but He knew that Lazarus was going to come out of the grave, He knew that. Why did He weep? He wept because He had compassion for the people. We need more compassion in the world today. So let’s forget about the stiff upper lip and “Cowboys don’t cry”, and let's get real because that is a whole lot of rubbish anyway.
You know, a couple of days ago, my grandson got up in church. No one even knew about it, not even his mom and dad. He went and stood in the front and he wanted to share something with the congregation and he started weeping. Well, I think every eye in that church was wet with tears, including mine. I went and stood with him and put my arm around him as he delivered a beautiful testimony. But it was the tears that moved the hearts of the people - Don’t be afraid to weep.
Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day.