Declare His Name

It is Saturday the 14th of May 2022, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

“I will declare Your name to My brethren;
In the midst of the assembly I will sing praise to You.”

Hebrews 2:12

Speak up for Jesus even as He speaks up for us before His Heavenly Father. Then we go to Luke 9:26, Jesus says:

“For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed…”

Wow - Strong words! This is not a time for us to hold back. We must speak up about our faith in God. Remember, that beautiful easy memory verse Mark 11:22:

“Have faith in God.”

An easy one to remember! The very first night I had the privilege of preaching the Gospel in the little local church in Greytown, I was in the vestry at the back of the church... All the elders were praying for me. An old man said to me, “Son, I have done my bit. It is your turn now, get out there and preach.” I must say, even as a brand-new Christian, it didn’t sit well with me. We can never do enough for Jesus because He went the whole way for you and me - He died so that we might live. Then, a few weeks afterwards, on the first Sunday morning, I had the privilege of addressing the whole congregation, the main congregation.

I was so very nervous. I had prepared the message for about six weeks - fifteen pages... the poor people! I got into the pulpit and opened my Bible, took out page number one which was the introduction to welcome all the people. I turned the page over and there was page fifteen, the benediction... 13 pages missing! Well, I tell you what, I was absolutely shocked. I looked up and Jill, my wife, was sitting at the back of the church, I looked at her and you know when you have been married a long time you don’t have to speak. She shot out the back of the church, went to the pick-up, had a look and came back. She stood in the back of the church, put her hands up and said, “They are not there.”

Well, now was decision time. Am I going to declare the name of the Lord to the brethren or not? We had a little band from our local coffee bar that we used to run, Jill and I, and they had just sung a song, “Here comes Jesus, walking on the water.” The Holy Spirit, just about audibly, said to me, “Are you going to walk on the water, or not? Are you going to speak up for Jesus, or not?” I said, “Lord, I am going to do it.” And I have never stopped since.

Go out today and tell people that Jesus loves you and that He is a Friend who sticks closer than a brother. Have a wonderful day, Jesus bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan