Like Vapour

And a very good morning to you!

It is Thursday morning, the 10th February, the year 2022, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for the day.

“For He remembered that they were but flesh, A breath that passes away and does not come again.”

Psalm 78:39

And then we go to the Book of James:

“For what is your life? It is even a vapour that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.”

James 4:14

You know right next to our farm we are on a plateau. There is a big valley. It is a vlei land and often early in the morning when I go for my bike ride, it is shrouded in vapour, in mist, and when I come back from my ride an hour later it is clear, the sun is shining and you can see the whole valley. That is how brief our lives are. Today, we need to get our priorities in order.

Remember, Jesus only did what His Father told Him to do. He did no more and no less. Let's not put off for tomorrow, what we can do today. You know the adage: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." Tomorrow I will do this... 'Kusasa', we say in Zulu: “Sizokwenza kusasa uma iNkosi izovuma” - "We’ll do it tomorrow if the Lord wills." No, do it today.

Jesus did it all in a mere 33 years on this earth. It’s not about seeing how long we can live on this earth, it’s about maximizing the time that we have here. Remember the foolish farmer in Luke 12:16 - He had a bumper crop... He said I’ll break my barns down, I’ll build bigger ones. I’ll fill it with grain and then I’ll sit down, eat, drink and be merry. And the Lord said: "Foolish man, tonight you soul will be required of you."

But we’ve got nothing to be afraid of because He’s coming for us, as soon as He has planned. Not a day early, not a day late. So what we must do, we must live like He’s coming today but we must plan like He’s coming in a hundred years. Paul said in Philippians:

He said,” For me to live is Christ and to die is but gain.”

Philippians 1:21

We have nothing to be afraid of. You can’t frighten a Christian with heaven - it’s a win, win situation. So today, let’s get our priorities in order. Tell your wife that you love her. Tell your husband that you love him. Keep short accounts with God and with man.

Have a wonderful day and look up because the Lord is coming back very soon.

God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan