Blessing Others

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Saturday morning, its the 30th of September, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

We start in the Book of Ecclesiastes 11:1 in the Old Testament,

“Cast your bread upon the waters, For you will find it after many days.”  

Then we go straight to the New Testament to the Gospel of Matthew 10:42: 

And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward.” 

The Lord is saying to us that we are to bless those who cannot return the blessing. We have to invest in those who cannot repay us. This is what truly moves the heart of God when there is nothing in it for you or me directly. You know the story of Elijah, the mighty prophet of God? You can look it up after this message. You will find it in 1 Kings 17:9 onwards. The Lord told Elijah to go to the house of the widow. When he arrived there, she was collecting sticks to make a little fire for the last meal that she and her little boy were going to eat and then they were going to go and sit down and die. The prophet arrived and said, “Can you give me something to drink?” She gave him water, and he said, “I also need something to eat.” She said, “But I have nothing left. There is only enough oatmeal to make one cake for me and my little boy and then we are going to die of starvation.” He said, “Give me some of that cake to eat.” Quite something, isn’t it? So the woman obeyed the prophet of God. She went into her larder and scraped together the last bit of oatmeal she could find. She went to the jar where she kept her olive oil. She poured out just enough oil to make one cake. She cooked that cake with loving-kindness and gave it to the prophet, he ate it and then departed. Then she said to her little boy, “Now, we are going to sit down, and we are going to die because we have nothing else to eat.” But she went back to the larder just once more and miraculously, when she opened the lid there was enough oatmeal to make one more cake. She went to the jar where she kept her olive oil. There was just enough oil left to bake that cake. She baked a beautiful big oatcake with loving-kindness. They sat down under the tree and ate it and were full. Then next morning she went to the larder and there was just enough oatmeal left to make one cake, and there was just enough olive oil to bake it, and she did that for many, many days. She never went hungry. Cast your bread upon the waters and in due time it will come back to you. 

Cast your burden onto Jesus
Because He cares for you!
Cast your burdens onto Jesus
Because He cares for you!

Oh Higher, higher, 
Higher, higher, higher,
Oh higher, higher,
Lift Jesus higher!

Oh Higher, higher, 
Higher, higher, higher,
Oh higher, higher,
Lift Jesus higher!

Jesus bless you, 
Have a lovely day,

Angus Buchan