
I greet you in Jesus' precious name! It is Tuesday morning, the 14th of November, 2023 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

We go to the Gospel of John 15:16: 

"You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you."  

Chosen! You are sitting there and saying, "I can't take much more of this." Jesus says you can. He says, "I chose you, and I appointed you for the job that you are doing", but only if we put our trust in Him, but you and I must do our part. Now, remember the story of Abraham and Sarah? When God told Sarah she was going to have a baby, that's Isaac, and that he would be the father of many nations, she went behind the tent and started laughing and giggling, and the Lord said, "What are you laughing about?" And she said, "Nothing." And He said, "You were laughing!" A woman 100 years old will have a baby; no wonder she was laughing. And then what happened? The Lord said in Genesis 18:14: 

"Is anything too hard for the Lord?" 

I want to say to you today there is nothing too hard for God. God knows how much you can take, and He knows how much I can take; otherwise, He would never have chosen us and given us the job.

Two Afro-American little boys of a single mother lived in America. The mother was a house cleaner. They were failing badly at school, and the headmaster called the mother and said, "If these boys don't wake up, we will have to take them out of school." She went home late one night after cleaning houses. There, the two of them were lounging around, watching television. She said," Switch off that television. I don't want to see it on again." She said, "Go to the library tomorrow, become a member. I want you to read two books a week each." They couldn't believe it, "Then I want you to summarise those books, and I will crit them." They turned from being the idiots of the class to being the geniuses of the class! The one little boy became a neurosurgeon. 

Thing that really touched me was that that mother was illiterate; she couldn't write or read. She used to make believe that she was reading their summaries and put a tick here and a cross there. It's amazing. God chose this young man. He became a doctor, not only a doctor but a surgeon, not only a surgeon but a neurosurgeon, a brain doctor! He was the first man to separate Siamese twins, joined together at the back of the head, without losing one of them. Up until then, the one twin would always die because of the blood circulation problem, but he discovered a way to separate them, and they both survived. This man is outspoken for Jesus Christ.

Dust yourself off, get back onto your feet and get back into the race. The Lord has chosen you!

God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan