Cup of Suffering

I greet you in Jesus' precious Name. It is Monday morning, the 11th of December 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

We start in Matthew 20:22.

But Jesus answered and said, "You do not know what you ask. Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink, and be baptised with the baptism that I am baptised with?"

This is when the disciples wanted to sit with Jesus. Their mother was organising for them to sit on either side of the Master when He went to heaven. The cup that the Lord was offering was not a cup of prosperity but the cup of suffering. Sometimes we wonder why we are having such a rough time in life, don't we? Why is God punishing me like this? Everything in my life seems to be going wrong. We thought that when we come to Jesus all our problems will cease. But you see that's not the truth, the truth is when we come to Jesus, He will walk with us through our fiery trials. We can only really feel for and help folk when we have been there ourselves. Then, we have the love, the compassion and the understanding that people really need to help them, and to heal them when they are suffering.

I read a beautiful poem in Streams in the Desert, that lovely devotional. It goes like this:

Once I heard a song of sweetness, as it filled the morning air.

Sounding in its blessed completeness, like a tender pleading pray.

And I sought to find the singer, where the wonderous song was born

And I found a bird quite wounded, pinned down by a cruel thorn.

I have seen a soul in sadness, while its wings with pain were furled

giving hope and cheer and gladness, that should bless a weeping world.

And I knew that life of sweetness was of pain and sorrow born and a stricken soul was singing with its heart against a thorn.

You are told of one who loved you, of a Saviour crucified.

You are told of nails that held Him and a spear that pierced His side.

You are told of cruel scourging of a Saviour bearing scorn, and He died for your salvation with his brow against a thorn.

You are not above the Master. Will you breathe a sweet refrain? And His grace will be sufficient when your heart is pierced with pain.

Will you live to bless His loved ones, though your life be bruised and torn?
Like the bird that sang so sweetly with its heart against a thorn.

Jesus bless you and go bless somebody else.

Angus Buchan