Deep Waters

I greet you in Jesus' precious name! It is Wednesday morning, the 13th of September, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.  

We start in the Gospel of Luke 5:4: 

"When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, "Launch out into the deep…"  

I want to say to you today, even as we have to catch the big fish in the deep sea, so too, Jesus is calling you and me to go deeper today. You see, it is the safest place to be if you ask any sailor who knows how to sail a sailing ship. The deep seas are the safest place to be when the storms come.

Mark Guy Pearce wrote, "May our prayer be that of an old Englishman, who said, "Oh Lord, send us into the deep water of the sea, for we are so close to shore that even a small breeze from the devil could break our ship to pieces on the rocks. Again, Lord, send us into the deep water of the sea, where there will be plenty of room to win a glorious victory."

Yes, I can hear you saying, "But those deep waters, that's where the strong winds are. That's where those contrary big waves are." True, but it is also the safest place for the big sailing ships when the storms come, not hugging the land where all the rocks are but getting out into the deep water. When the storm is at its height, that is where our faith is built the most. It's where we rely on Jesus the most. Charles Haddon Spurgeon said, "Fairweather faith is not faith at all." Today, let us not be afraid of the big storms. Let us get right out into the deep waters, where Jesus can take care of us and direct our paths. 

Today, set your sail to sail all the way home to our place of rest in Heaven one day, through the deep waters of life.

Jesus bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan