Fellowship with Jesus

I greet you in Jesus' precious name! It is Thursday morning, the 25th of July, 2024, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan with a thought for today.

We start with the Book of Luke 6:46:

"But why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' and not do the things which I say?"

It is not about doing, it's about being. It's about a personal relationship with Jesus. We cannot earn our way to Heaven. If that was the case, people from other religions would get there long before us! In Isaiah 64:6, the Lord says all our righteousness is like filthy rags in the sight of God. That is quite a statement. I want to say to you this morning, dad, your son wants you to spend more time with him, he doesn't want what you can buy for him, he doesn't want all the fancy goodies that you can get him, he wants you, he wants to spend time with you. Mom, your daughter wants to spend time with you. It's not what you can do for her, but she wants to spend time with you because she loves you and she needs you. And so is it with Jesus Christ - He created us to have fellowship with Him. He doesn't need us, He wants us. Remember, the whole of creation took place with one word. He doesn't need any man, but He desires to have fellowship with us. 

We really need to spend more time with the Lord every morning. We need to sit and talk with Him and let Him talk to us in our spirit. You say, "I can't hear Him." No, you can't hear Him because you are too busy doing things, maybe even for Him. So sit down, be quiet, and let's have fellowship together. "Let's have a cup of tea together," the Lord says. 

So today, make a point to spend quality and quantity time with Jesus, and you will find everything else will start to fall into line. 

God bless you richly and have a wonderful day with your personal Saviour,

Angus Buchan