Five Year Anniversary
I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Tuesday morning, the 18th of March, 2025, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We go to 1 Thessalonians 5:24:
”Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.
Folks, I am so excited today. Do you know that it is the anniversary of 5 years of doing the Thought for The Day, without missing one single day! All the glory, honour and praise go to our Lord Jesus Christ. Yes, we have not missed a single day, not me, or the team, or the producers, or the editors. We have not missed one single day - not when it has been raining, not when the sun has been beating down, not when there has been wind and ice and heat, not one single day. You know, we have tried very hard not to tell the same story twice in 5 years and it can only be God. I have many friends who are preachers, good preachers and they do say it can only be God if you have not repeated yourself once in 5 years.
We are reaching out to the ends of the world every single day. I am talking about Christmas Day, Easter, I am talking about seven days of the week, to the end of the world, in the city, in the bush. I have done it from Israel, I have done it from Namibia, I have done it from all over, wherever we go, literally in sickness and in health. Now a lot of you remember, it wasn’t that long ago that I could hardly speak. My voice actually went, but by the grace of God, we managed to get those programmes out to you. I want to take this opportunity to thank our team and to thank our producer, our editors. I want to thank those who have done the pictures faithfully, the music. I want to thank the people who are sending it out every single day.
I have a gentleman who is one of my spiritual sons, Anton, he sends it out from Cape Town. I think he has over a hundred broadcast groups that he sends out himself. We don’t even know how many people are getting this because we can’t find out in any way, but there must be millions of people all over the world, so thank you for listening. Old people, young people, children, women - listen carefully, babies! I am talking about soldiers, I am talking about police stations that have all their soldiers and their policemen standing at ease when they get the Thought for The Day, every single morning. I am talking about schools that play it every morning before school, at school assembly, for doctors, prisoners in jail, many, many, many - people in hospitals, in ICU, getting Thought for The Day every single morning. Folks, babies - I have seen! Mothers have sent me clips which made me cry, babies that are crawling around. They put them on the chair and they play the Thought for The Day and the children don’t move. It is God!
Cats and dogs, I kid you not. I have got Snowy standing right next to me here, you can see him. Parrots - parrots listening to the Thought for the Day! Jesus Christ’s word is going throughout the whole world and I want to say thank you very much for supporting us. Please continue to do so and we will continue to put this out every single morning until the day that the Lord says, “Okay, that’s it” and I will stop on that very same day. Thank you for praying for me, most of all and praying for my family and for my loved ones and for our team.
Jesus bless you richly as you continue to be faithful in what God has called you to do, whatever that might be!
God bless you and goodbye.