Where Good Decisions Start

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name. It is Monday morning, 12th of September and it is the year 2022. This is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

If we turn straight in the word of God to the Book of Psalms... Now, this is an interesting Psalm because it is a Psalm that was written by Solomon, not by David. Psalm 72, I am reading from verse 1:

“Give the king Your judgments, O God,
And Your righteousness to the king’s Son.
He will judge Your people with righteousness,
And Your poor with justice.”

And then we go to Matthew, the Lord says:

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”

Matthew 7:7

The wisest man who ever lived, Solomon, why was he so wise we may ask? Quite simply because he sought counsel from God and not from man. You and I are living in perilous times and we need to start seeking the counsel of God, if we are to succeed - especially in our working environment. We carry cellphones around with us and can google anything at any time we want but there are a hundred different answers for every question. The same thing applies in our home situation... There are so many theories on how to bring up your children, how to manage your home, the role of the mother in the home and position of the father in the home. A lot of it is good stuff but remember, a good idea is not always a God idea.  

You know, when people invite me to speak with preaching appointments and I get a lot, I do not just receive them and acknowledge them because it seems to be a good opportunity, no. The only invites I accept are the ones that I believe the Lord Jesus Christ would have me accept. I always go into prayer and ask the Lord. I have also got some very trusted people around me and I ask them about each invitation. We really need to seek God’s counsel in every decision we make, then we will find that things will go well in the workplace, in the home and in the ministry.

May Jesus bless you today as you start to put Him first, just like Solomon did, and then you will be surprised with the good decisions that you make.

Jesus bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan