Faithful One

He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.
1 Thessalonians 5:24

The emphasis is actually on Jesus and not on ourselves. It is He who is the trustworthy one and no one else. He will finish the work in our lives, therefore all we need to do is put our complete faith in Him. He will keep us fit for the coming of The Lord. Jesus is completely dependable when He says something, we can be sure that He will do it - He will surely make it happen, we just need to be patient and hopeful.

A couple of weeks ago, we were invited to the Northern Cape to help in that desperate situation where there was no rain only fire and devastation. A pitiful sight to see, it looked completely hopeless. Those very brave farmers, shopkeepers, businessmen, schoolchildren, old-aged people put their faith in the Faithful One and not in their circumstances of fire, drought, heat and devastation. And do you know what? The Faithful One, Jesus came through for them. Rain, gently-soaking, prayer-answering rain is falling all over the Northern Cape. In some areas, they haven’t had rain for years and the rain is coming down.

I want to say to you today, I don’t know what your situation is - Maybe you are facing a so-called hopeless situation. Don’t put your trust, or your effort or your faith in yourself. Put it in the Lord Jesus Christ and He will come through for you. He never ceases to amaze me when it comes to His steadfastness and dependability. I love Him so much.

I want to say to you today my dear friend, put your trust in the Lord for your health, for your finances and for your future. Don’t put your trust in man and God will honour His word. He has never once failed me and that is why I get so emotional sometimes when I see the goodness of God.

Have a wonderful Sunday as you contemplate, think about, the Faithful One. It will change your whole outlook towards life.

God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan