I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Tuesday morning, it is the 22nd of November, 2022, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
We start with Exodus 20. I am not going to read it. You can read it yourself. It is the Ten Commandments that God has given us to live by.
“Therefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy and just and good.”
Romans 7:12
…and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.”
Hebrews 12:14
What we always say is that holiness is the end product of obedience. When we become obedient children of God, then we become holy people. When we give our life to Jesus, that does not mean that we are no longer subject to obey the Ten Commandments, not at all. When you become a believer, you and I should desire to keep the laws of God, even more so. Father God did not make the law for His benefit. No, it's for our benefit and our well-being. He does not have to obey the law. He is the law.
Someone might quote and say, “Well you know, Romans 10:9 says that if we confess with our mouth, Jesus Christ, and believe in our hearts that He has been raised from the dead, we shall be saved. Now, I know that scripture verse so well because I use it so often when I am evangelising. So you might say, “Well then we are exempt from the law. We don’t have to worry about the law because we are children of God and we can do as we please. Jesus has paid for our sins. I am free, I am saved.” No, not at all! Jesus wants us to bear good fruit, and not for His sake but for our sake.
Let me give you a good example. The Ministry of Roads and Transport make laws that we as motorists need to obey. We do it for our sake, not for the government’s sake. There is a stop street light. You are supposed to stop at the stop street, not go around the corner if no one is looking. If there is a double white line on the rise, the brow of a hill, we are not supposed to overtake because there will be somebody coming from the other side, and that is how you have a head-on collision.
We are supposed to obey the speed limit. Now, some people say, but how can a God of love allow such carnage on the roads? Well, it is not the Lord who is causing that. It is our disobedience and it is because we are not obeying the laws of the land. It is not the Minister of Transport’s fault if we do not obey the laws of the road and we get injured. No! It is not Father God’s fault that there is chaos on the earth because people do not obey what He has called us to do.
Today, let us be those who are good witnesses for Jesus. We are saved by grace, no one knows that better than me but let's obey the law because it is for our sakes and our fellowman.
Jesus bless you and have a wonderful day,