
I greet you in Jesus' precious Name! It is Saturday morning, the 2nd of December 2023; and this is your friend Angus Buchan with a thought for today. We go to Hebrews 13:18:

Pray for us, for we are confident that we have a good conscience in all things desiring to live honorably.

We must keep a good track record; we must live in an honourable way before God and men. We must have a clear conscience and live an honest life. A great example was told to me just a couple of years ago: two very good friends of ours were coming down from Johannesburg to visit us on the farm, Shalom. On the way, a very busy highway, they stopped halfway at a garage to fuel up and have something to eat. My friend's wife went to the bathroom. When she came out, they paid their account, got in the car and continued with their journey. After about an hour, they came to a toll gate and as they drew near, my friend's wife looked in her handbag to find her purse to pay the toll. The purse was gone, it wasn't there. They panicked, made a U-turn, and went all the way back to that very busy garage and restaurant.

My friend's wife was distraught. She went straight into the bathroom where she had been because she knew she had left her purse there. In the purse was her driver's licence, credit cards, ID - everything was in there. She walked in and there was nothing. She looked everywhere. And as she walked out, a gentleman walked up and said: "Madam, have you lost something?" She said: "Yes, I've lost my purse." He asked her what colour it was and she told him, and he pulled it out of his pocket. He said: "Here it is, I've been waiting for you." Do you know that that impacted her so much, I think she was in tears. He didn't ask for any money, he didn't ask for a tip, he just gave it to her and said: "Have a nice day." That act of honour and conscience impacted my friend's wife more, I think, than all the big events and campaigns and the big preachers and professors of theology have ever made on her life.

I want to say to you today, keep a good track record for Jesus.
God bless you, have a wonderful day.

Angus Buchan