Jesus Knows

I greet you in Jesus' precious name! It is Saturday morning, the 14th of October, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

We start in the Book of Hebrews 2:18: 

"For in that He Himself (thats Jesus) has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted." 

Yes, He knows. Maybe this morning, my dear friend, you are feeling deserted. Maybe today you are saying, "My marriage is in a complete mess and there seems to be no hope for me" maybe you are facing bankruptcy in your business, maybe you have been to the doctor and he says, "There is no more we can do for you. You need to go home and make yourself comfortable." There is One who knows exactly what you are going through at the moment, and I want to give a word of caution to people who have a habit of saying, "I understand", especially when you have no idea what that person is going through. Please don't say that. It is like pouring petrol onto the fire. Rather, put your arm around them and love them if you don't understand. 

Many years ago, when I was still comparatively young as an evangelist, I went overseas with my oldest daughter and preached the Gospel for three months. Three months away from home, three months away from my young wife and small children. Yes, I had a man on the farm, a brother in Christ who did the farming while I did the preaching. After three months of preaching in Wales, England, Scotland and Ireland, in prisons and in fellowships, wherever I got an opportunity, I was terribly homesick. Eventually, after three months, when the mission was over, we came back home. I want to be honest with you, I hit a brick wall. Now, I should have been rejoicing. I saw many souls come to Christ, and I saw many miracles take place, but when I came home, my dear wife had to carry on with the work on the farm. She was signing all the cheques - we used to sign cheques in those days. She had to organise the children for school. My brother in Christ, who was looking after the farm, was carrying on with the farming. Even my little Staffordshire Bull Terrier walked past me. He didn't recognise me anymore, and I really went into a deep pit, actually, and people didn't seem to understand what I was going through, not even my family.

One day, I went to visit an old gentleman, an old evangelist who had been preaching the Gospel most of his life. I went and sat down with him and said, "Uncle Gerhard" - his name was Gerhard Engelbrecht - I said, "I have come to see you because I don't know what is wrong with me. I should be rejoicing. We have had wonderful victories overseas, but I feel so down and flat." You know, that old gentleman never said a word. He looked at me, and just smiled and as he smiled, I knew instantly that he understood what I had been through because, you see, he had walked that road himself as a young evangelist.  

I want to say to you today, remember Jesus knows. Take your problems to Him and He will comfort you.  

Have a wonderful day, 
God bless you and goodbye.

Angus Buchan