Starting Again
And a very good morning to you! It is Wednesday morning, and the date is the 13th of April, the year 2022. This is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.
“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.”
John 15:16
He chose us, we didn’t choose Him. What an incredible privilege but of course, with it goes an incredible responsibility. Even as Jesus called the disciples, He is calling us this morning. If we look at Matthew 4:19, we will see that Jesus called the disciples. He said,
“Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Does that mean that we need to give up our occupations? Not necessarily but we do need to bear fruit where God has put us. You say, “There was a time when I walked very close to the Lord but the pressures of this life have taken me far from God. Is there maybe any hope left for me? Yes, indeed. If Jesus could still call Peter after he denied the Lord three times then He can give us a second chance as well. All we need to do is say sorry, dust ourselves off and get straight back into the race.
Right through the Bible, we see that men messed up regularly. They really did and God persisted with them because He had called them. He didn’t give up on them and He won’t give up on you or me today. What we have got to do is say sorry and get started again.
Moses - Moses took the Israeli nation out of slavery. He took them through the wilderness for forty years and yet he was a murderer... Remember, he killed the Egyptian slavedriver. Jacob - Jacob was a liar, that’s what he was, and yet the Lord changed his name to Israel. David - David was an adulterer and yet the Lord said, “He is the apple of My eye.” He repented - That is what they all did.
He is calling you and me today. Let’s respond... I would like to pray a little prayer with you today, if you would like to pray this prayer after me:
Dear Lord Jesus,
Please forgive me for going into the far country.
Forgive me for not putting You first in my life.
Lord, I can hear this morning, loud and clear, that you are calling me once again.
I want to respond Lord and I want to get back in the race and I want to serve You with all of my heart.
In Jesus’s name.
Have a wonderful day and Jesus bless you,