Quietening Your Spirit

A very good morning to you! It is Saturday, the 7th of May 2022 and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.

Psalm 19:14 - it has become a very special and dear scripture verse for me. It says:

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer”

What a beautiful scripture! Remember - if it is not inside, it is not coming out! We have got to think before we speak. We have to adhere to this statement and obey it. If we do, we shall make very much fewer mistakes in life. The Lord Jesus Christ impressed this beautiful scripture upon me many, many years ago. The Lord Himself only spoke when He had to. He stood before Pontius Pilate and Pontius Pilate said, “Have You got nothing to say?” He spoke when the Lord God, His Father, gave Him the words to speak. In Proverbs 10:19, it says very clearly:

“In the multitude of words sin is not lacking,
But he who restrains his lips is wise.”

In other words, only speak when the Lord gives you the words to speak. Now maybe some of you know that before I speak at a big meeting, wherever it might be, what I do is get on my knees and humble myself before God and before the people. I was always taught, as a young man, you preach up to people... You never preach down to people. Always perceive people to be better than what you are. And then I proceed to quote this very scripture:

“The words of my mouth, the meditation of my heart, Lord,
Let it be acceptable in Your sight, my Strength and my Redeemer.”

And then my spirit is quietened to focus on what I need to be speaking about. It prevents me from speaking about irrelevant things. Often times I have got on that platform or into that pulpit and at the last minute, the Lord changes the message that I have had to speak and that is the honest truth. And I have done my homework before hand, then I know I need to bring the message that God has laid upon my heart.

If you watch some of the world-class athletes in rugby or soccer, just before a player is about to kick the ball through the posts or into the goal, you notice that he stands... (I am talking about Christian men that I know personally). Before they kick the ball, you can see when the cameraman comes up close to their mouth, they are praying. They are probably praying a prayer similar to this verse and then they quieten themselves down and they kick the ball sweetly right through the middle of the goal. We need to pray more and speak less.

Today, quieten your spirit. Spend time in the presence of the Lord. He will give you His peace. Jesus bless you and have a wonderful weekend.


Angus Buchan