Keep The Vision

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Thursday morning, the 31st of August, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today. 

If we go to the Book of Habakkuk 2:3:

 “For the vision is yet for an appointed time;
But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie.
Though it tarries, wait for it;
Because it will surely come,
It will not tarry.”

I believe the Lord wants us to be patient and wait for the vision He has given us to be fulfilled. Maybe you are in the waiting room, maybe through sickness or maybe through financial problems, maybe you just feel, “Lord, that vision is never going to come to pass.” But if you are anything like me (ask my wife, Jill), I am not very good at waiting. I am very impulsive by nature but there comes a time when we need to wait for the vision to come to pass. 

Sometimes others abandon you and leave you alone. They say, ‘No, we are walking away from this vision - it is not from God.” That is when you have to remain exceptionally patient. I just want to say to you today, do not lose that vision, that dream, that the Lord gave you. Remember, your vision must always be, first and foremost, the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember that scripture in Matthew 6:33: 

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” 

You may think there is nothing happening but I want to tell you, if you love Jesus Christ and He has given you a vision, it will happen. I don’t know if you remember when Covid broke out, the horrible Coronavirus. Jill and I were locked in our garden for 67 days, that’s right! We kept going back for a test and it kept coming back positive. I won’t go into any details there. I want to tell you that it was very hard for me in that time - I am an active person, and I want to do things. But through that time, God gave me the vision to start doing the “Thought for Today,” which you are listening to now and which is running unbroken for 1,240 odd days. I have never missed one day. It is going right around the globe and all the glory goes to our Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t lose your vision.

Do you know that The Pilgrim’s Progress, the second most read book in the world, next to the Bible, was written by John Bunyan, in Bedford, England. While he was in jail for 12 years, he wrote that book. That book has touched more souls than any evangelist that has ever lived. In prison he probably thought, “Well, that is me, washed up”, and he wrote the most powerful book.

I thought, when I was in lockdown for 67 days with my wife, Jill, “Where is the vision, Lord?” That was the birth of the “Thought for Today.”

Have a wonderful day and keep the vision.
Jesus bless you and goodbye. 

Angus Buchan