Know Him

I greet you in Jesus’ precious name! It is Friday morning, the 23rd of June, 2023, and this is your friend, Angus Buchan, with a thought for today.  

If we go to the Book of Philippians 3:10, Paul says:

“… that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death,…” 

Now, Paul had the privilege of meeting Jesus, face to face on the road to Damascus, when he was knocked off his horse and was converted instantly. But he was not satisfied with that. He said, “Oh that I may know Him…” Do you feel like that, my friend?  

The best time of the day for me is early in the morning. In South Africa at the moment, we are going into the middle of winter. It is still dark in the morning. I get up very early in the morning after Jill and I have prayed. I make a fire in our wood stove to warm up the house, I make her a nice hot cup of tea, and then I take my Bible and I go into my quiet time room. Oh my dear friend, it is a precious time of the day for me and I sit there and I speak to Jesus. I read the word of God and I worship Him - the best time of the day! Oh, that I may know Him! And that is how you get to know somebody, by spending special time with them. It is the sweetest time of the day.  

And then the power of His resurrection - to realise that this Master, this Saviour who I am serving, is not dead. No, no, no, He is alive. He has been resurrected. And then to have fellowship with His sufferings. You know my biggest enemy is not the devil, it is Angus Buchan, and when we put that flesh down then Jesus has precedence over our lives. Because you are a believer that does not mean that you are not going to suffer. Of course you are going to suffer, like all the saints before, and then being conformed to His death - what does that mean? It means putting the flesh down and living for the Lord, and that is where freedom and joy and expectation come from, and when I have finished having time with the Master, I go out and I face the world.  

I want to say to you today, be like Paul the apostle, and say, “Oh, that I may know Him more”, know the power of His resurrection, be prepared to suffer if need be for your faith and also put the flesh down, once and for all. If you do that, I want to tell you, it will revolutionise your life. Get up early in the morning and spend the first hour of your day with the Lord Jesus Christ.

God bless you and have a wonderful day,

Angus Buchan