Godly Counsel

Then King Rehoboam consulted the elders who stood before his father Solomon while he still lived, and he said, “How do you advise me to answer these people?”

Then the young men who had grown up with him spoke to him…
— 1 Kings 12:6&10

We need godly counsel.
King Rehoboam was Solomon’s son and he took counsel from the young men that he had grown up with. Inexperienced men, men who had never done much and he disregarded the counsel of the elders who were with his father, Solomon. As a result, King Rehoboam lost his kingdom.

There is no substitute for experience, listen to your father and your mother - I am talking to young people.

You say: "But they are always spoiling my fun Uncle Angus." They love you and they don’t want you to get hurt. If they tell you not to go out with that crowd, don’t do it. They love you and they don’t want you to get hurt there is also no shortcut to life, okay... The quickest way is not normally the way home, the way home is slow and sure. The school of life is where the elders have been. It’s tough and they have been there, they have got the scars but they know how to trust and obey the Lord.

The quick fix does not always last, all of us need a mentor - what is a mentor? "An experienced and trusted adviser", according to the Oxford Dictionary. I have four men who advise me, two are older than me and two are younger than me. We call them our trustees and I will not make an important decision without first consulting them. Most times they tell me to just go ahead but sometimes they might advise me to wait and sometimes even say to me: "No Angus, you have not heard the right way. Refrain from what you are doing."

Of course, the greatest adviser of all is our blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He is the greatest mentor of all. If we look at Matthew 11:29 He says: "Come unto me and learn from me." Learn from the Lord. He says:

“For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:30

Everything that you and I are going through at the moment, pain, confusion, frustration and fear - He has been through it all, just call on Him today. You say, “But He is not answering me.” Then do not move until He does. Remember, silence is also an answer.

Have a wonderful day, God bless you as you put your trust in Jesus.

Angus Buchan